Notice: this page contains archived contend about past teaching activities. For the most recent information please select the pages for the current semester.
Lecture Time & Place: Tue. 10:00-12:00 c.t., LB 107
Instructor: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger
Exercise Time & Place: see LSF
Exercise Supervisors: Contact at (R. Rothaller & S. Cmentowski)
Course Language: German
Audience: Bachelor
Zusammenfassung: Anhand der Programmiersprachen Python 3 und Java werden grundlegende Programmiertechniken besprochen. Inhalte unter anderem - Einführung und grundlegende Struktur von Programmen - Lexikalische Elemente, Datentypen und Variablen, Anweisungen und Kontrollstrukturen - Elementare Datenstrukturen: Mengen, Felder, Listen - Eingabe und Ausgabe mittels Streams - Funktionen und Module - Grundlegende Algorithmen: Suchen und Sortieren - Eingabe/Ausgabe Listen-Abstraktion. Unterschiede Java / Python.
Lecture Time & Place: Mo. 14:00 - 16:00 c.t., LB 131 & Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 c.t., LX 1203
Instructor: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger
Exercise Time & Place: see LSF
Exercise Supervisor: Contact S. Cmentowski
Course Language: German
Audience: Bachelor (Angewandte Informatik, Angewandte Kognitions- und Medienwissenschaften, International Studies in Engineering)
Lecture Time & Place: Mo. 10:00-12:00 c.t. LE 120
Instructor: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger
Exercise Time & Place: Mo. 12:00-14:00 c.t. LE 120
Exercise Supervisor: D. Preuss
Course Language: English
Audience: Master
Abstract: The focus of this introductory course is on discussing efficient techniques to visually represent large-scale data sets from simulation and measurement. Starting with a brief introduction on the data generation processes the visualization pipeline, data structures, mapping techniques and special rendering techniques for scientific data will be discussed. Various examples will be given to outline the benefits of visualization techniques in practical applications. A particular focus is put on interactive methods using GPU-based techniques. Topics include:
Lecture Time & Place:
Tue. 14:00-16:00 c.t. LE 120, Thu. 9:00-10:00 s.t. LE 105
Instructor: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger
Exercise Time & Place: Thu. 8:00-9:00 c.t. LE 105
Exercise Supervisor: A. Waschk
Course Language: English
Audience: Master
Abstract: This lecture deals with the fundamentals of photorealistic and interactive image synthesis. In particular, we discuss techniques to achieve interactive frame rates for the realistic rendering of complex models and scenes using GPU accelerated techniques. Selected graphics algorithms and their efficient implementation exploiting state-of-the-art graphics hardware through graphics APIs will be demonstrated. We focus on dedicated parts of the graphics pipeline and we review the functionality provided by consumer class graphics accelerators including programmable vertex-, geometry- and fragment shaders. In addition, we discuss the governing equations in physics based light transport and we demonstrate effective solution methods for the simulation of global illumination. Topics include:
Kick-off & Registration Meeting: 9. April, 14:00 s.t., LE 335
Instructor: A. Krekhov, S. Cmentowski & Prof. Dr. J. Krüger
Course Language: German
Audience: Master
In diesem Forschungsprojekt setzen wir uns damit auseinander, wie man sich fliegend durch VR-Welten fortbewegen kann. Wir erarbeiten verschiedene neuartige Lösungsansätze (z.B. Flügelschlag durch Armbewegung) und validieren diese anschließend im Rahmen einer Studie. Vorwissen im VR-Bereich ist nicht erforderlich, allerdings setzen wir Unit3D-Kenntnisse für die Umsetzung der Flugmechanismen voraus. Ferner sind Grundkenntnisse im Bereich Studiendesign empfohlen.
Instructors: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger & team
Kick-off & Registration Meeting: Thu. 12:00-14:00 c.t. LF 125
Time & Place: April 11th 12:00-14:00 c.t. LF 125
Course Langugage: English or German
Audience: Bachelor & Master
In addition to the scientific content in this seminar we will put
special emphasis on the presentation. To improve the presentation skills
of the participants we will start the seminar with simpe topics,
record short talks from each participant, and analyze the presentation.
Students then give a seminar talk on their chosen topic.