Notice: this page contains archived contend about past teaching activities. For the most recent information please select the pages for the current semester.
Lecture Time & Place: Wed. 12:00-14:00 c.t. LX 1205
Instructor: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger
Exercise Time & Place: see LSF
Exercise Supervisors: R. Rothaller & A. Krekhov
Course Language: German
Audience: Bachelor (Angewandte Informatik, Angewandte Kognitions- und Medienwissenschaften, International Studies in Engineering)
Zusammenfassung: Anhand der Programmiersprachen Python 3 und Java werden grundlegende Programmiertechniken besprochen. Inhalte unter anderem - Einführung und grundlegende Struktur von Programmen - Lexikalische Elemente, Datentypen und Variablen, Anweisungen und Kontrollstrukturen - Elementare Datenstrukturen: Mengen, Felder, Listen - Eingabe und Ausgabe mittels Streams - Funktionen und Module - Grundlegende Algorithmen: Suchen und Sortieren - Eingabe/Ausgabe Listen-Abstraktion. Unterschiede Java / Python.
Lecture Time & Place: Mon. 10:00-13:00 c.t. LE 105
Instructor: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger
Exercise Time & Place: Mon. 13:00-14:00 c.t. LE 105
Exercise Supervisors: A. Waschk & M. Michalski
Course Language: English
Audience: Master (Angewandte Informatik, Angewandte Kognitions- und Medienwissenschaften, International Studies in Engineering)
Abstract: This lecture is the introductory course to Computer Graphics. The course teaches the algorithms used to program a computer to generate images of a geometric models with associated appearance properties. Starting with introductory lectures on the basics of surfaces and light propagation the course will focus on the two well known rendering methods, CPU and GPU-based ray-tracing and GPU-accelerated raster graphics. Topics include:
Kick-off & Meeting Registration: October 11, 12:00 c.t.
Time & Place: Thu. 12:00-14:00 s.t. LF 125
Instructors: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger & team
Course Langugage: English or German
Audience: Bachelor & Master
In addition to the scientific content in this seminar we will put
special emphasis on the presentation. To improve the presentation skills
of the participants we will start the seminar with simpe topics,
record short talks from each participant, and analyze the presentation.
Students then give a seminar talk on their chosen topic.
Kick-off & Meeting Registration: October 9, 11:00 s.t., LE 334
Time & Place: Tue. 11:00 s.t. LE 334
Instructors: Prof. Dr. J. Krüger & team
Course Langugage: German
Audience: Bachelor
In this lab course the participants will select,
plan, and implement different projects utilizing the
Raspberry Pi and Python 3. Example projects are
a connected nesting box for birds or an oversized
Tetris game. If you
are interesting in this lab course, please come to
the registration and kick-off-meeting.
Kick-off & Anmeldung: 9. Oktober, 14:00 s.t., LE 335
Instructors: A. Krekhov, S. Cmentowski, Prof. Dr. J. Krüger
Zielpublikum: Master (Komedia und Informatik)
Wir werden verschiedene nichtmenschliche Avatare (Vögel, Dinos, u.ä.) in die virtuelle Realität integrieren. Dabei untersuchen wir
Lösungsansätze, wie wir solche Kreaturen am besten steuern können und wie wir uns und die Umwelt dabei wahrnehmen.